To Meet the Rockstar
The poster said it all, "INTERNATIONAL ROCK STAR VISITS SRI LANKA". And a picture of the Airport to convey the venue. The time of landing was written with meticulous care. It read '12.30 pm'.
I was a great fanatic of Barry Schteakfred. In fact, I had by hearted every single track of his. An my room, it was a graffiti wall of Barry Schteakfred and his idyllic guitar. Finally he was coming to Sri Lanka and I could see him. The joy was indescribable.
Though not a fan on beforehand preparation, I was fuelled up with beforehand preparation. Nothing should go wrong. I will see him. I had already assigned my little brother the daily housework chores which I'm supposed to do though it cost me a pretty penny worth of peppermints and gumballs that were already being gulped down the brat's throat.
"shoulsd I cleanth thyour roomth alltho?"
That was one of my pretty pennies at work, probably an expensive gumball.
"Uh... YEAH!" commanded I.
I packed one of my notebooks and three pens, just in case one of the pens failed at the hands of the great rock star.
At this point, I was pretty much like that grubby kid in Slumdog Millionaire who jumped into a pit full of human waste to get across to his idol. I was ready to jump into not one, but multiple pits.
I looked at my wrist watch. The miniature Barry Schteakfred limited edition guitar clock hands told me it was still 10.30. I planned to have a humble siesta till 11.00.
I was going to be early
I felt something cold on my wrist. I knew it was the Barry Schteakfred wacth. The sleepiness had already vanished as I washed my face and put on my best rock clothes. I styled my hair for quite some time.
I took a tuk-tuk to the train station. Luckily there was a train headed for for Colombo. Boy was it crowded!? There were people everywhere! My wrist watch bumped on several people and several aisles as I tried to create myself some space.
The journey was hellish. It was sweating like nothing. My wrist was so hot thanks to the tight metal watch, that I feared the watch would melt under the heat. This was my human waste pit, symbolically.
I took another tuk-tuk to the airport entrance from the station. There were only a handful of people- clear signs that I was early. How early was it?
The miniature guitars on the clock face told me that it was still 10.30. But how can it b-?
And then it hit me. My limited edition watch had stopped exactly at 10.30. I panicked. I blabbered out a request for from a stranger. "1.30" was what he said. I was late. Barry Schteakfred had already gone. If only my limited edition Barry Schteakfred hadn't stopped ticking, I would be seeing the great rock star, Barry Schteakfred. But it was too late... It had already failed on me!
I was a great fanatic of Barry Schteakfred. In fact, I had by hearted every single track of his. An my room, it was a graffiti wall of Barry Schteakfred and his idyllic guitar. Finally he was coming to Sri Lanka and I could see him. The joy was indescribable.
Though not a fan on beforehand preparation, I was fuelled up with beforehand preparation. Nothing should go wrong. I will see him. I had already assigned my little brother the daily housework chores which I'm supposed to do though it cost me a pretty penny worth of peppermints and gumballs that were already being gulped down the brat's throat.
"shoulsd I cleanth thyour roomth alltho?"
That was one of my pretty pennies at work, probably an expensive gumball.
"Uh... YEAH!" commanded I.
I packed one of my notebooks and three pens, just in case one of the pens failed at the hands of the great rock star.
At this point, I was pretty much like that grubby kid in Slumdog Millionaire who jumped into a pit full of human waste to get across to his idol. I was ready to jump into not one, but multiple pits.
I looked at my wrist watch. The miniature Barry Schteakfred limited edition guitar clock hands told me it was still 10.30. I planned to have a humble siesta till 11.00.
I was going to be early
I felt something cold on my wrist. I knew it was the Barry Schteakfred wacth. The sleepiness had already vanished as I washed my face and put on my best rock clothes. I styled my hair for quite some time.
I took a tuk-tuk to the train station. Luckily there was a train headed for for Colombo. Boy was it crowded!? There were people everywhere! My wrist watch bumped on several people and several aisles as I tried to create myself some space.
The journey was hellish. It was sweating like nothing. My wrist was so hot thanks to the tight metal watch, that I feared the watch would melt under the heat. This was my human waste pit, symbolically.
I took another tuk-tuk to the airport entrance from the station. There were only a handful of people- clear signs that I was early. How early was it?
The miniature guitars on the clock face told me that it was still 10.30. But how can it b-?
And then it hit me. My limited edition watch had stopped exactly at 10.30. I panicked. I blabbered out a request for from a stranger. "1.30" was what he said. I was late. Barry Schteakfred had already gone. If only my limited edition Barry Schteakfred hadn't stopped ticking, I would be seeing the great rock star, Barry Schteakfred. But it was too late... It had already failed on me!
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