A Tale of Two Planets

"I'm a Galactic Scout,
Who scouts in 'n' out,
Whizzin' through the universe,
Singin' a couple o' verses.
I've got ma own space ship,
Super fast is my space ship,
I always leave ma trail,
So if ma space ship fails,
Another G.Scout will find my tail!
This is ma home,
Yet, I'm never alone,
Cuz I'm a Galactic Scout,
Who scouts in 'n' out!"
While our merry hero was singing out his favourite song, a red button on the dash board started glowing a danger red color.
"What the-what's happen to ma space ship? It's outta control! The communication lines are frozen dead. Guess I'll have to force land ma ship!"
Well, our hero was fortunately one with a massive amount of good luck.
"Aren't I jus' so lucky? I've spotted a, well, a Blue Planet! Perfect!"
The space ship of our helpless hero crashes to the ground... to the ground of unmapped, unidentified territory..."
"Great landing! Now what? I think I'll jus' go out 'n' 'scout'! HAHA!"
The oxygen sensors on Octetheo's back pack signals him that the alien atmosphere contains oxygen and safe to breathe. Octetheo gets down onto the martian ground. After a few observations,
"This planet doesn't seem to be inhabited except to these green and brown vegetation. Surface is brown in color and contains not too little doses of nitrate. The ground-""
A flying object flies by...
"What in the name of Octenus is that, is that flying object? Oh... It's jus' a minor form of life I guess..."
Octetheo walks towards a pool of shinning blue liquid. He was wondering whether it is... Could it be?
The electric visor on his head flashes out the single word-'water'.
"Oh man! That's water! And a huge lot of it too! I'll surely get the Octavius medal for this one!"
A curious creature approached from the green vegetation. It had only four tentacles; two used for travelling and two just hanging by the sides. It had a mass of black extrusions on it's smaller upper base. On this base was too small eyes with a black inner part and a white outer part. It had more of the black extrusions on this upper base. A small extension was located in the middle of this upper base. It also had a mouth. This weird creature had a colorful middle part and greenish tentacles which had small 'pockets' in the sides.
"Finally an inhabitant with intelligence! I am saved!" shouted our hero.
The inhabitant didn't look too pleased (but is that the way they show their pleasure?) and its mouth was turning in to an odd oval shape. The brownish upper part turned into a pale white hue, as if all the living force was being squeezed out of him.
"Aaaaargh! An alien! I am dead!" shouted the now extremely weird life form.
"Hey! Can you help me to repair my space ship? You see-"
"This alien has no mouth, nor hands and it is very ugly! No wait... It's got tentacles!"
This alien started to run away back into the vegetation. Now Octetheo was clearly mystified by this strange behavior of strange inhabitants of a strange planet. Strange, isn't it?
Suddenly, the communications equipment started blabbering a message transferred by Octetheo's fellow Galactic Scouts. It went thus:
"Calling GS-AZS099. You are on Galactitude 009100 and Galongitude 200290. You are on Planet Arthe; known to the strange natives as Planet Earth. Over."
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